Sunday, March 20, 2016


Have you ever wondered?

I hope you have. I would be saddened if you have never wondered in your entire memory of your existence.  Its time for you to have some of the answers you have been looking for, searching for, yearning for. The truth.

Time is an illusion. Our consciousness as we know it jumps through time. So what I am saying is that something you remember being 1 month ago was actually 1 year ago. And something you remember being 1 year ago may be 7 years ago. What you remember about 6 months ago hasn't happened yet. And what hasn't happened yet, was 2 months ago. When we are experiencing, we may be any "age". So when I am 80 I may actually be 2, and when I am 2 I may be 11, and when I am 25 I may be 85

I first wanted you to remember about time because this is an important key here. Time is NOW. At all moments it is constantly changing. And to best understand yourself, and to be with yourself, is to be in this moment right now, reading this. As you are reading this I am typing this, therefore we are communicating through time, space, dimensions, all of it and with it. 

When we are cold, we are blocked. When we are warm, we are opened up and flowing with the sun running through our entire beings. We are of a Golden Realm, a place where love conquers all, and exists within all of us. When it comes down to it, when we lay our heads upon our pillows, blankets, mattress, floor, or ground we know that in the end LOVE is all that mattered. We just want to be loved, and we want to love others. We LOVE that human contact when it is LOVE that is coming back to us. When we put our walls down, and become vulnerable, there is nothing to hide any longer. We will not judge one another, we are ready to ascend into the loving light or ray of existence. 

We are not simply different dimensions... we are different frequencies, different vibrations, different...... But when we come together and become the same frequency, dimension, vibration and all become a sense a massive cuddle puddle. We experience LOVE

When one GENERATION dies off from old age. The next generations have a ripple of change and opportunity within their grasp. This generation is going to bring WORLD PEACE. Well technically at this exact given moment in time and space, it has already happened. And we are writing memories of the past into the past... 

...we are the High Golden Council...